54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

dont remember if asked already but is it playable if you havent watched one piece?

You haven’t asked, and yes it is, I’ll explain whatever you need to know to play it.

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devil fruits are a very super duper omega hyper ultra mega rare fruit
which is why you only see every single person in the entirety of one piece with one

so fun fact

the first years in my dorm have managed to reinvent angleshooting and bring it into our Avalon games

freshmen amirite?

spell ‘Loyal Servant of Arthur’

L o y a l s e r v a n t o f a r t h u r

Marshal is locktown

t n e c o n n i


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I definitely haven’t spent 10 hours straight playing Avalon before no I would never

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get a life


Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10.45.36 PM

sidenote i directed someone to my profile from MU for metareads

he was just like “what the fuck u have a lot of posts”


goes to Avalon club at 7pm
Me: I have to get up at 6am tomorrow for class
I have an assignment due at 8am
I should also sleep tonight

leaves at 5am

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see thats me with forum mafia

it’s my main form of stress relief so i gotta

but also it sucks you in



meta reads - bad

meta augmented reads - good

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less bad

no, good.
using someone’s tendencies to account for account for and make less inaccurate reads is a good thing.

you forget that part of this is “person x is doing this sorta-scummy thing, however its been shown a few times that they just always do that thing, so im ignoring it” perhaps

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