54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No they aren’t

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They’re run on a charter not by the state

Which generally works out about as well as you’d expect for injecting capitalism into a public welfare program

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a an anti-capitalist thought
that makes me happy

You dropped something. \

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Guess you were one of the lucky ones

Good thing anecdotal evidence doesn’t override hard statistics

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Capitalism is chill

It just consistently fails at things like education and healthcare

i mean im a socialist so i disagree
but fair

communism is good change my mind


Good on paper

lmao in practice

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I got bullied on my second, fourth, fifth and sixth school. On most of them I had not a single friend, I tried but most were too afraid to make themselves to outsiders on purpose by that.
One day you have to stop caring about the shit others are saying and doing against you, or you go mentally insane.

i believe true marxism to be impossible and unsustainable without devolving into dictatorship
but socialism with only a bit of capitalism to keep things stable is cool

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you are literally the one that brought up the question of my school quality orange

it is a bit sad that this has happened every time marxism has been tried in history tho


Oh wow look, a cat


My school was on track to rise up Michigan’s list

Then they fired most of their administrators and started a hiring spree of people from East Detroit

A school district that failed so hard they needed to fight off the state from taking it over

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She is flip

i got bullied in high school so i hit the gym and started fighting back

in practice this worked quite well but on paper it was pretty dumb


I dont know why the hell piper is upside down but oh well

piper is cat

“why is cat” is invalid question

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