54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

how dare you you monster

how tf do you get suspended in 2nd grade

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I mean

I definitely Made Some Mistakes to end up suspended and I fully cop to that

I watched a youtube video where a comedian talked about how he flunked out of kindergarten
Anything can happen

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I’ll never forgive you :angry:


i was a troublemaker when i was young and never got in any real trouble

Just be a good troublemaker

Mean well and find fun in ultimately harmless things



to be fair he seemed to be an extreme troublemaker and always not paying attention, even now

I was put in the naughty chair in kindergarten for calling a kid a wiener. I have been Lawful Good ever since

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in elementary i was petty because i didn’t know better due to language barrier and, well, other things

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Hola como te llamas


Its absolutely spanish

no my first language wasn’t english

So yes ESL

Just speak english dude



I didn’t want to win that fight, that would have been hybris
I just wanted to not get hurt too much
Problem was, all of them were under 14, and that means they are not responsible in our law system

i wasn’t in any special classes for it

they just kinda threw me into the normal classes

mostly cause nobody spoke russian

and cause my dad made them but thats another story

gottem @Chloe

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