54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I will fight you over this statement

Yay… trip to New York cancelled… thanks Corona.


M-m-m-m-my Corona!

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You are talking only to white themers, right? :wink:

School might potentially be cancelled next week because said person died.



Oh fat rip

Ny is great(to visit)

You guys are panic buying?
I wonder where I can buy some of my favourite Instant Noodles.

I just can’t find them anywhere.


@Icibalus u around to brawl?

i am now i guess

my mtg is updating now for like 3 mins sad times i know

i think im addicted to brawl ngl its so fun

My uni has a mtg commander society but i dont wanna go cuz they seem kinda weird so i have to settle for mtga brawl :frowning:

let me see if I can dig out any cool brawl decks to play while I experience said loading times

the only one of mine you havent seen is t3feri i think, and i only ever play that when i get salty being beaten by bolas/golos decks and want to enact revenge

I can probably just net deck a new one tbf i have 1 copy of like all the cards