54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the guests are trapped


2000+ people are stuck in 1 place

Jackbox now?

did someone say JESTER WIN?

two forgers

SK leaves d1

3 TPs

katze almost wins in final 4 somehow

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i swear, who was the damn medium

fwiw i tried to help you as good as i could

the REAL one

medium? more like dead n1

a random dude

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it was 7


Dude I used to play that for hours lmao

I gave him a whisper from the transporter and he didnt out it lmfao - i thought it was lost

final 4 was a lookout confirmed BG, a trans, a medium, and me claiming medium

i was so fucked

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You did everything right

I died too early both games :frowning:

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i had a clappus of a jester win

Got great roles too

Mayor and Vet? OP
