54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the best or worst thing to come from the humble bundle, depending on which side of #justice you’re on


Yep, Humble Bundle newbie here!

“now cult leader, i’m not saying you should convert me, but uh using your first night abil on an unnamed person who may or may not be me is ideal”

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that’s hilarious

this got me banned

It’s fine; I like Blanca

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imagine getting banned from ToL

this post made by “warned once” gang

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I don’t need to imagine :sunglasses:

This post made by the “FYI’d once” gang

My ToLversary was two days ago

as was my ToL Discordversary

imagine not getting banned from ToL

this post was made by the warned 2 suspended once gang

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imagine getting banned from ToL
this post was made by “never been warned” gang


bigger nerd


try being banned 3 times

And every time the charges being dropped within a day

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I think my 2 1/2 year anniversary from starting playing ToL is coming up within the next month or something

one warn and suspension was for asking to be converted

and the other was for… toxicity? iirc. prolly just flung a few insults at someone

Imagine getting warned in TOL

This post was made by the ex-reviewer gang.

oh yeah you were a guide weren’t you?

ive been warned quite a long time ago and am now a guide of my own :eyes:

The one time I was FYI’d, I think it was because I fake claimed (not on stand) to try to stay safe from Inquis, and then I forgot to alter my logbook to my actual class when I died (it had fake logs, so I everyone thought I was poss and jumped)
