54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

like it’s way too slow and barely ever highrolls

Maybe, can’t remember what the creature was called it was a long time ago.

someone help
my sibling is delusional and saying completely weird ass shit

were you playing standard?


jgoes you are blessed
you died to the biggest mtg meme of the last two years

… Yay…?

for context, that card was reprinted from Ixalan into Rivals of Ixalan, and then was the only card from Ixalan to be reprinted in Iconic Masters, a set that was made to showcase the most iconic cards from all of MtG history. that’s right. a fucking vanilla 6/6 trample was reprinted.

and then it was reprinted again

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i’m sorry that you lost but i guarentee you that your friend picked such a bad card to replicate endlessly with mirror march just because of the meme of dreadmaw getitng reprinted despite nobody liking it and it being bland and uninteresting

why does blue exist

feed em chalk, it will shut em up

blue is honestly way less annoying than it used to be, because it’s now mostly played by memers who like dumb combos as it’s combo grease.

blue/white on the other hand is only played by filthy cretins who deserve to be purged by the fires of hades

I used to play blue/green.

I told them to eat chalk
Surprisingly effective

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what kind of simic deck

beware, your answer will determine your fate

Idk I think I was playing with Merfolk.

The deck was probably terribad because I was just playing for fun.

honestly if you play anything but Azorious Control or RDW I respect you

temur reclamation players can live but only because they’re occasionally fun to watch go off and wreck shop

Nods like I completely understand what you are saying even though I have no idea what you’re talking about.