54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean

I was a wolf

You caught that I was not a member of the town, right?

well yes

but u destroyed any chance i had at considering vul town

tho that post was made before that

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You didnt actually do that right


that was like half the point of my Vul interactions

sorry Vul

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His face visibly gets red

Yeah I’m pretty sure he drank it considering he threw up afterwards

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Shoutout to the sweatshirt/wide-brimmed-hat/sunglasses combo to make it as hard as possible to actually tell what you look like lol


shoulda wore a ski mask too while you were at it

Opinions of lovers/lover status in FM. Compared to Hydras. Hydras are made pregame. Lovers are randed.

  • I hate both
  • I hate lovers. Hydras are bad
  • I hate lovers. Indifferent on Hydras
  • I hate lovers. Hydras are good
  • I hate lovers. I love Hydras
  • Lovers are bad. I hate hydras
  • Both are bad
  • Lovers are bad. Indifferent on Hydras
  • Lovers are bad. Hydras are good
  • Lovers are bad. I love hydras
  • Just wanted to see what others picked

0 voters

  • Indifferent on Lovers. I hate hydras
  • Indifferent on lovers. Hydras are bad
  • Indifferent on both
  • Indifferent on lovers. Hydras are good
  • Indifferent on lovers. I love hydras
  • Lovers are good. I hate hydras
  • Lovers are good. Hydras are bad
  • Lovers are good. Indifferent on Hydras
  • Both Good
  • Lovers are good. I love hydras
  • I love lovers. I hate hydras
  • I love lovers. Hydras are bad
  • I love lovers. Indifferent on Hydras
  • I love loves. Hydras are good
  • I love both
  • Just wanted to see what others picked

0 voters

Please vote on one only and then for the other vote just wanted to see what others picked. Could only have 20 options.


Everyone: Just wanted to see what other picked.

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Lovers are horrible for balance
Tragic lovers are beyond bullshit

They only work in mashes, with loverizers, or in lovers mafia

What are these again?

Ah yes suddenly town can win with the opposite faction go fuck yourself

lovers of different alignments.

Oh so stuff I made. :eyes:

p sure lovers that win with each other regardless of alignment

or something

like in ToS lovers

Tragic lovers are lovers of opposite alignment that can win with each other if nobody else is alive.
It leads to bullshit scenarios where they can just claim masons near endgame with 3 flipped scum since 5 scum in that game would be unholy unbalanced and just GET AWAY WITH IT AAAAAAAAAA
They weren’t even very townie at all