54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this is australia we are talking about

Play internet mafia with other people???


I am not in any games

Rokugan hasn’t started yet

While drunk?

Plus why not forum mafia with alcohol

Doesn’t WiFi suck over there in comparison to other regions

omg I would probably get telekinesis and solve the game instantly if I was town and was drunk

That’s a solid wombo combo

Hypixel while drunk is lit

my drunk record in FM is very mixed

I don’t think that’s how telekinesis works

gonna need a link chief

mind reading then

all of my FM games are on this site

ive only played parts of games not sober tho

i think i played FM when drunk once?

it was derps GI and it was barely anything but i decided to exaggerate it by never hitting backspace on spelling errors because i wanted to fake a townslip

but uh kinda forgot and didn’t rlly do much

Replace people’s thoughts with random Kanye songs

you and ami would have the same exact thoughts as before

This quarantine has ruined my sleep schedual I sleep at 1 or 2 am and wake up at 10am or 11am


That’s why it’s fucking foolproof

currently 2 am here lmao
