54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Brainwashed and spoonfed people are not evil.
They are extremely misinformed.

I think your bar is incredibly high

i mean its the same sort of argument as history is written by the winners

I’m evil :upside_down_face:
At least I’d like to be

What did I land myself in

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i know one of the people who bullied me for years believd himself to be the righteous vindicator against my retalliations against him

according to you, he is simply misinformed, and the fear that i lived in walking down the hallway every day was not created from an evil man

its possible to be intelligent yet dumb.
the way i always figure
intelligence * wisdom = smart-ness

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wilful ignorance absolves you of nothing.

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You are completely right. Following orders, because you have to, isn’t evil.

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did you just


You wont find an evil Person by that standard


did you just say the FUCKING NURUMBERG DEFENSE is justified?


did you just say, on a public forum, that the defense that was used during the trials of the perpetrators of one of the bloodiest crimes in history is justified, and did not make those butchers evil?

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Then he’s an idiot, stupid and misinformed if he actually believes that, which I don’t particularly.
I believe in that circumstance he is aware of his actions, and therefore is evil.
But if he actually believed he was purging ‘evil’, then he is not evil. He is just incredibly stupid.

i mean, personally, i dont think what they did was in any way good or even fine. however, morally speaking, its possible to justify a person just following orders as an okay person. would they deserver to not be served for their crimes? no, god no.


i disagree
following bad orders is moral cowardice

You cannot call the salem witch hunters evil.
They were brainwashed into believing they were hunting evil, and purging it for good.


That’s highly dependent on many factors that are not true in general

yes i can
they killed several people in their delusion? they are evil.