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Remind me why god has to flick the switch if he lets me

no no.
you said sometimes this problem with these 4 peoples requires exactly you
there is a finite amount of people in that problem, therefore there cannot be only 1 person which can solve it
even if you iterate this problem infinite times, there will never be one that requires 1 in infinity

ah yes but simon
we are also referring to how the solution of the problem of those 4 people would affect the society of heaven, and how that would ripple through the ages

i was creating a proximate scenario, but the truth is that heaven, or worse, hell, would have to pass through infinite permutations, and at some point there has to be a permutation that requires a particular person to be ressurected from Final Death.

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the simple fact that an omnibenevolent god would preserve a linear existence for the sake of the free will of their biological subjects guarentees that we are speaking of the 4 dimensional definition of infinity, if that makes sense???

unless there is an infinite number of people involed in that exact problem, there will be at least one feature with a little bit of wiggle room, and that wiggle room will give you a way to find another person.

unless any of those permutations has infinite requests or people, there will be some wiggle room

i have no idea what this even means

That wouldn’t be particularly omnibenevolent

butterfly effect, simon. butterfly effect.

and even then we get into the problem of the scale of infinities

unless there is already a predetermined future, butterfly effect doesnt mean anything. and if its predetermined this god can choose one where that never happens.

lol I got a new member by mistake

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also hi cool people and Emilia

Objective morality is opinion of god on morality which he tells people about through a book which people interpritate based on their own morality

Which is like ok

i mean we’re talking about the general case. nothing in that about a book necessarily

this god would try to create scenarios where, on average, the probability tree of infinite size has as many postive outcomes as possible. since we speak of eternal life, with eternal new instances of sentient beings, the cascading consequences of your ressurection would effect everybody to ever live afterwards, which is an infinity of people, thus making the problem be of ineffable scale with infinite people involved within it.

also, if this is the case, one could argue that the objective morality is subjective morality, that its not the same between people and it changes from person to person, and that it is intended to do so

How do people know What to follow then

Yea but most religious people dont believe in subjective morality

when everything has cascading consequences like you’re saying it does, then no one decision has any more consequences as any other.

what they get from the book, in this hypothetical

unless there is some funky mathematical theory i am unaware of (and if so, please send me it it should be fascinating) an infinite problem with infinite possible solutions in which the problem absolutely must be solved for the preservation of heaven as a paradise. even if there is not a single solution, in an eternity with a roughly linear existence, there should presumably be another problem in which the same relatively small sample size fits the criterion for the ideal solution.

we are assuming that god honours the decision to end your own existence, and thus would never ressurect the same person twice in a row. I think that’s a fair assumption to make? if so, then once agian, we are left with an eternal existence of ressurection