54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean, a 25/25 for 3RU is pretty damned good, and if we add more auras into the mix, it could be even better, especially if we add Flying and Trample.

Also, Cruel Celebrant enchantment.

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like obviously the autotapping is obviously meant to counter storm herald
but Gauntlets of Light deals with that pretty easily


very serious Temur Mutate Man brawl deck
mulligan until you get your single Thassa’s Oracle in hand
mulligan the Oracle to the bottom of the deck
the rest of the deck is lands, instants, and sorceries, most notably every way to make non-human tokens in Temur and ramp
at the first opportunity mutate your commander onto one of your tokens, and watch as it exiles literally the entireity of your library, then lets you cheat in the Oracle

i’m the king of dumb jank decks

lmao that was my plan too

i was goonna make a cheese temur one and a real temur one

yeah but i mean it is the obvious thing to do


im hoping theres an instant or sorery which makes ur creatures mutate or something

there shld be i reckon

i’m thinking
like you know how Underworld Breach gave Escape, THB’s signature new mechanic, to all cards in your graveyard for a turn?

maybe there’ll be an equvilant for mutate.

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honestly so far mutate seems super weak for standard

which isn’t what i expected

like "Season of Refraction - Enchantment - 2R

All non-human creature cards in your hand have Mutate equal to their mana cost. Exile this card at the beginning of your end step."

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It would probably be in simic right, seeing as mardu has all the human stuff and simic makes sense

oh great, even more busted simic cards. lovely.

Simics got nothing good so far. Black seeems the color which has got a ton so far imo, im very scared of sultai power cuz it’s already p strong with the uro package.

At least if sultai pushes out bant we’ll have no more 3feri lmao

Uro would like to know your location.