54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

scorned is my bae and always will be


I like Scorned too but I’m cursed to never win as it.

it just doesn’t have much social play at all minus the base "ohwo it is i, the sellsword, here to stonewall this person who is definitely not shielded

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I always yell that I’m stonewalling the Prince whenever I’ve won as Merc.

And do other chaotic stuff.

And I don’t mean like at the end of the day.

also neuts that have won getting to stay in game is hella wack

im not neuts out

i just have no remorse for dead ones

and also find it amusing to kill neuts


Scorned fills a useful and valuable niche, has abilities that help her win condition, and is discouraged from openclaiming

she’s basically 3/3 on neutral design

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and is the most fun class to play in general IMO

oh also I forgot ‘has to actually proactively work to achieve her win condition’



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are you trying to tell me that “bd lose = you win” doesnt require you to work towards that wincon


after this comes EK.

and after that… probabky some evil

Haha they said judge pls laugh


Get it

i remember a ToL game where i was a knight>assa and i had basically pocketed an alchemist

and then the night we converted the last BD

i stabbed them

they didnt stoneskin

wow thanks for GUIDE-ing me to understanding that joke :joy:

get it

because guide

i am being held hostage

Can you review my neuts I submitted for contest?

I know that you can only do this after the contest.

bye aretepost

but why are you making guide jokes

theres no guides here

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