54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

> be vulgard
> post literally anything as wolf
> “this isn’t V!Vulgard”


actually it’s not that easy
arete is so goddamn hard to lynch
i was saying they were a wolf for the 2 days i was alive in evolution and it could never happen

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throwback to when Marshal faked a redcheck on me and still didn’t manage to get me lynched

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yes but in fairness your reads were pretty much 100% accurate in that game so the wolves were doing nothing but discreditting you all game

idk how you do this arete

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my reads are >rand basically

the secret is to have a non-obvious wolf meta and good enough thought process that people don’t feel like putting you in their PoEs

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my reads dont exist

fortunately, now that I’ve learnt the art of top-posting and high activity I may be able to correct my wolf meta

I don’t either

for reference it’s really easy
you just have the same level of thought but faster

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then, you too, can be like Johnny Fingerhands

I spamposted FoL 23
i’ve – never really had another great wolf game besides that one

for reference I was a villager that game but posting a fuckton felt really good and it also made my reads weirdly more effective. I think I should slow down a tiny bit more but I’ve nearly found my perfect speed.

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i either tunnel all the villagers or tunnel wolves

no in-between

I always have the Icibalus Read™, which is a really good d1 wolfread on a deepwolf that I end up talking myself out of


My performance in ToL FM was just dumb luck

clearly spamposting is the way


don’t actually spam out posts, and do actually include content in most of them. but other than that, yeah, post a lot when you can. make your time in the thread count.

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