54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

are you referring to after the game is over?
because going “oh wow i’m so wolfy” is absolutely wolfy as shit

No. During the game. You are pointing out your own scummy behaviour, so that others can’t blame you for it.
Was one of the things I got strongly townread for.

why would anybody read that villagery
it’s self-aware
being self-aware is wolfy

i’d need to read the manner of it but absolutely do not do that. it’s a terrible idea. once it’s in your wolfrange you’ve doomed yourself.

Self-awareness and effort are NAI for good players, because they are putting same effort and same awareness in, regardless of alignment

That’s the mistake. Everything you do as town should be also in your wolfrange. And everything you do as wolf you should be able to do as town. :eyes:

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look your goal as wolf is not to save yourself, it’s to get mislynches. by positioning your flaws outward into the thread it’s very hard to preserve thread presence or any kind of control over the gamestate, which is pretty disastrous for your win condition.

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no fuck god no

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i understand this game better than you
your villagerange and your wolfrange cannot and should not be identical

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What is my villagerange? What is my wolfrange?
And where is the difference…

Look, idc about mislynches as scum
I want the right scum to be lynched as scum, because opening conversion slot is more important
If you have a scumread scum, you want them to get lynched, otherwise they get jailed or occupied forever

for fuck’s sake NO

that style of play is antithetical to all the principles of how to play well. it is indicative of a broken setup. sacrificing a wolf should be a calculated sacrifice that is only carried out after much deliberation, not an inevitability. the game is about wolves trying to trick villagers into killing other villagers.

look villagerange and wolfrange refer to edge cases that are often personal decisions. they’re about somebody’s attitute towards FPSing, towards bussing. they are generally hidden and refer to more extreme aspects of play.

Remember Fol 20?
The game is to trick BD into killing each other and to convert the right people
Mislynches are optional :wink:

no it isn’t

the game is about mislynches not misvigs. that setup was broken and you know it.


We haven’t changed it tho

yes we fucking have
we fucking increased the playercount

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No, there was a specific problem with Fol20, and we forgot to change it