54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No, not really! I’ve seen your posts. You’re not a good player.

That’s tough

Can you explain in big English words why this is

My brain doesn’t want to think but it wants knowledge

please stop
priestess really does not need this right now mental health wise


I’m sick of her obstructing every single attempt I’ve made to advance this site’s meta for the past 5 months out of a personal grudge.

honestly i think the issue is that you’re both not really making the distinction between her meta/playstyle on the player level and our meta/playstyle on a site level
like a miscommunication kinda

You two don’t have to be friends but you two don’t have to fight over this shit every time you two are here at the same time

This applies to both of you


i don’t give a damn
im just happy she’s still here

and frankly i find unconventional strategies employed by her and eevee valuable to learn from at times

eevee fake claimed insurgent as plague doctor in SFoL 57
i was baffled, but it kind of worked out, strangely

I was fucking trying to move this discussion in a positive direction and try and show Priestess that my way is infinitely better and more entertaining than the shallow mechanical game that I used to think was “just my playstyle”

cause her meta/playstyle is fine on an individual level. it might not be ideal for mafia, but if its fun for her, and it doesnt actively obstruct others from playing, its fine, end of story

but that style wouldnt really be healthy for the site as a whole to have

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eevee is different because he actually understands the game on a deep level, whereas Priestess has no understanding of anything except ToL. Not even FoL. Just ToL.

i disagree that pushing mislynches as hard as possible is the only viable wolf strategy

Then why is she on the FoL team?

trust me when I say that pushing mislynches as your primary goal is the only viable wolf strategy. you can do other things to acheive that goal, but that should nonetheless be your goal, whether direct or indirect.

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:man_shrugging: if i had to guess, maybe its for an alternate, casual player perspective, just to keep things fun and lighthearted for the people that like that,
but i wasnt there, so this is just speculation

that’s a yes

you can do well as wolf with that being a much more indirect, secondary goal than the way arete plays wolf (which i consider the extreme end)

there’s a lot of range within focusing on mislynches that isn’t just powerwolfing
but it’s the only way to play wolf

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I was serious here btw ici

I feel like I need to be told why the way I play FM is bad by someone who disagrees with how I play it

arete still plays focused on mislynches through thread control