54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i don’t think bussing is a “range” thing
you can’t bus as a villager so it’s out of your village range by default
and as a wolf you’re either a busser or you’re not
and someone who’s anti-bussing can still bus, it’s not exactly difficult

see your style is different to mine but it actually works because you clearly actually understand how reads work and understand that ideal play is to let them inform the mechanical game and not the other way around (GENERALLY)

hmm it’s almost like the NAI-ness cult is based on false principles about allignment symmetry

hey i have a genuine question
has anyone figured out a way to stop yourself from tunneling

Technically BD members kept vigging green checked and widely townread players, so a mislynch wasn’t needed as the town killers were destroying the town by themselves.

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look i’m sorry to get so heated up there earlier
i’m by no means a good player since my wolfgame is so awful, but i’m at least a good villager

yes but the fact there were no mislynches does indicate that the setup was broken

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i mean, i get it, in theory, but i dont really understand it.
if i understood it id be able to do it.

Not really. We had a fucking greenchecked player misvig’d among others. We did clamp down on intentionally gamethrowing so we haven’t seen any other games like it afterwards.

there are probably three and only three exceptions to this:
FoL 23, SFoL 56, and Luigi’s Mansion FM

my other wins:

Adiart Love Letter FM: Absurdly Dumb Luck
Marson: Carried when my reads were pretty bad
Evolution Mafia: Carried when I played laughably badly while alive
“ToL” FM: Dumb Luck
ToS FM: Dumb Luck
SFoL 51: Carried when I made stupid mechanical decisions

but you have to admit that is indicative that there’s too many opportunities for people to fuck up in ToL since a misvig’s impact is arbitrarily increased

since everyone is a pr in fol then there’s plenty of room for swing and fuck-ups by default
it’s the nature of the setup
and it’s fine
it’s just the type of setup this is

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but by no fucking means should there be no mislynches, otherwise the entire game is decided by “did you rand vig or not”

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as long as it’s not ridiculously biased in direction of either alignment winning then it’s fine
and judging by the data we have it’s not

i will not back down on this
FoL20 was broken because there were no mislynches

well now we have 18p setup so

18p was a good choice

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right, but I can tell you Priestess has this weird thing about wanting to reverse it for… some fucking reason

18p is basically the sweet spot i feel
probably one of the best changes as of late

i’m frustrated that i continue to suck even though i’ve been on this forum longer than many who are now all noticably better than me
but eh