54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This but unironically

Many of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

Insert astromancer joke here



just don’t eat the brain

from what I heard prions are scary

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It’s a sacrifice that some people are willing to make

But in a world where basic healthcare needs get denied with the logic of “I don’t want to pay taxes”

I don’t think we have hope

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that shit is hella fucking scary

The prion usually transmitted from consumption of a human brain will slowly paralyze you before killing you

look i don’t care if i’d be saving 10000 dollars in healthcare costs, the government forcing me to pay 800 dollars more in taxes is a literal war crime


I forget what it was called though

it’s the mad cow disease one i think?

or maybe the scrappy one

punishing the entire group for the actions of one is a war crime

why the fuck should I have to pay more taxes because some dumb person decided they should get cancer

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Yes, kuru

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It’s Kuru


what if I just stay up all night

I haven’t done that in a while

bad idea

I haven’t ever done that

i might do that too tbh

As such cannibals usually dispose of the brain because they don’t wanna die to… whatever prions are made of