54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Depends somewhat on the character

also IRL Cha and Wis are both dump stats for me

along with anything else that isn’t Int and maybe Con

‘Arete what is your bard even using his 16 Int for’


IRL Cha and Wis are both dump stats for me

You can’t convince me that this is correct.

maybe Con

My con is literally a 9

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Bro i aint strong

So much this.

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and i even agree

Int > Wis > Char > Dex > Con > Str

fite me

Dex > All


I never did finish that personality test, huh

:eyes: Take it

yes, but by far. not only slightly.
havent you heard the song?

i dont even remember my results but i think i got strength above kat


I mean

You haven’t seen me try to make real-life Bluff, Insight, or Perception checks

I think we have our loser

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dude i forgot about that the second i sent it

Well I’d like to.

Bluff checks are my vice though.

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It wasn’t even an innuendo

It was a reference to something that maybe only Chloe would understand

And also the truth

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I tried taking the personality test and got bored about 5 seconds in because yes