54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i forgot

i did it a while ago

I mean I am also bad at the ‘being convincing’ part :eyes:

w h a t

I mean, I could test Marshal

so are you actually just me

:eyes: You are probably not giving yourself enough credit again but I’m also far more convincing online because I actually have time to think and don’t have to panic/watch myself because social interactions are stressful.

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I’m better at being convincing online because I don’t have to worry about body language/facial expressions/any of the other cues people use

Arete are you sure we aren’t siblings that were separated at birth.

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Me and Chloe were separated at birth :sob:

now I’m trying to remember the last time I explicitly lied (not by-omission) in a real life context

(online it would be ‘when I claimed to be a member of the uninformed majority in Anime FM’ but that seems somewhat different)

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im a MUCH better speaker than i am a writer

im much more convincing in person
i’d rather lie in person than online - but i’d much rather not lie at all :upside_down_face:

theatre/band did me well as a kid

I’m pretty sure we have more in common than me and my sister do

I took a random test I found online

and got:

STR: 9
INT: 18
WIS: 12
DEX: 3
CON: 10
CHR: 15

@people who actually know dnd

dafuq dis mean

u weak

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unless there is an external way to gain trust im horrible at convincing people of things beyond explaining how a thing works and showing how i think it would be good for them honestly

im all logos with a slight amount of ethos. no pathos

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I can’t remember last time I explicitly lied either.

That game was still glorious, I really need to go and re-read it in full detail. Your win was beautiful.

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Damn minmaxers.

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wellI I’m fairly sure that’s a low score

which tells me this test is bogus

because I’m the hardware lead on my school’s robotics team

and I’m the best machine operator


I can operate CNC mills and stuff