54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

get back here
i’m taking revenge for that time you pushed me into an army of rabid wolf mutts

italy and emilia teamed up
this is obviously fake

There is small cornucopia And big Cornucopia

Anyway nobody dies N1 and D2

is there anybody i can sob at about tanya the evil

It’s Alright pat


that’s how you die
bashing someone else’s fucking skull in with your own skull

how do i always die early

get fucked astand

if I don’t exist I can’t die this is good

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Damn it squidimage

i cook food

and become a woman

ez clap bitches

So the feast happened
Literally nobody went

is squid becoming the new god of death
take the sais squid
follow in jake’s footsteps

why does jake always have interesting stories

remember when jake became the actual god of death?

Then nobody dies D3

damn i didn’t know snuggling was in this
