54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Should’ve expected that. ._.

someone stalks me



i think getting stalked is not a bad feeling

I might be on your window right now /shrug

i would welcome them in with ice cream

it’s a horrendous feeling.


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It is indeed.

can someone stalk me plz if u want ice cream

I’m just going to stop talking here until I’m done with the i42 Danganronpa

Y’all are talking about “stalking” as if it isn’t a serious thing and it’s really pissing me off.

but ice cream

I was about to respond this post in the worst way possible and scream at you and insult you like mad.


You aren’t worth it Isaac.

You really aren’t, you are just petty.

i don’t care what people think of me

u can say what ever u want lol

I’d rather not get banned of the forums right now.

discord then

That’s how far I was about to go.