54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



@Kirefitten what gender is your articuno?

Can’t water + Lightning do special attacks?
I thought I saw that once.

So… 3v1 legendary.
This is fun -_-

Wanting to solo DM for my boy and told him to make a protagonisty protag
Oh boy I’m excited

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inb4 angsty rogue

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For what?

Wouldn’t be bad tbh

Are you all sharing secrets from me tbh?

Well then.

Magnus, why are we both preparing Pokémon games separately?

Damn it.

Wanna make the setup together? Then one of us can play but keep it working at the same time you know

That sounds bastard. I like it.
I’ll dm you what I got so far.

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Got it.
Geez you’ve done a lot.

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is this important did I forgot something

Oh attract

Simon what gender are you

You first.