54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Rip other universe

Intentionally Accidentally murdered you…

Wow, you gave me existential crisis, thx cat.

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Maybe magic exists in this one

You mean converting energy into different elements/objects? We call that the elemental change law.

(btw we need a new riot because FK isn’t rioting with us)

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bribery is morally ethical

Then you should have no problem with bribing us.

99 on my literature test ay

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I’m salty that it’s basically the same premise as last year however

99% or a 99

99/100 and 99/1000 are pretty different things lol

jk im just messing with u, you got 99% obviously (hopefully :wink:)


p u b l i c e d u c a t i o n

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It’s better then nothing

However I wish it would go faster

Why spend a year learning about the same thing. Why can’t someone take the final exam right now if they wanted to and was ready for it?

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Is it because someone will study for it and forgot everything about it after the test and they need to drill it in our heads?


top 10 mysteries science can’t solve

1.Is religion real

If you put two exact clones of the same animal in the exact same conditions and are treated the exact same way, everything is replicated to perfection I guarantee you they would act differently

i mean there’s no way that the conditions are exactly the same and the clones grow up the same

but depending on that animal instinct they’ll likely act similarly, but not exactly the same imo

can we even prove that though

I don’t think it’s oossible to replicate everything perfectly