54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Justice isn’t the same as moral. But the rules of the society are what keeps us together, so I see that as way more important. Morals are always individually and everyone has different ones. But the law… is in a society for everyone the same.

I think I might actually be right about the mole this time which would be poggers.

So then is for example stealing Wrong because it’s Wrong or because it will have impact which will have negative outcome on society which is wrong due to things like suffering, death etc.

Mostly first one
A little theft has rarely a real negative outcome (unless on your own mind of course)

Making a game is kinda fun actually

and marshal keeps my dumb ideas in check

Then I dont understand How with that judgment keeping society together is better than not keeping it if induviduals morality Says

Uh… I don’t see much worth in individual morality. It’s not much more than a feeling. It’s kinda important that noone gets forced to do something against his explicit morality, but it’s also rarely necessary, since there are enough people who aren’t hindered by that

I am asking Why is keeping society together important by that standard

Uh I guess it’s a kind of egoistic altruism.
The best way to help myself is to help society, since they are caring for me and keeping me safe.
The best way to help society… is helping others altruistically…

it sounds completely stupid, but yes, my altruism is actually born by egoistic self-preservation :eyes:

Indeed, making a game is fun. Making a Neutral Class is also fun.

And you call yourself Lawful Evil after this?


I agree but it’s hard to make a class with no direct inspiration from anything

Actually we always went with “she’s lawful neutral with strong tendencies to evil methods”

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I tested as Neutral Good but my actual alignment is True Consequentialist

You are the opposite of a Consequentialist tho :eyes:

I almost feel betrayed but deep inside, I always knew.

Arete you are Lawful Good and nothing can change my opinion.

I mean from My understanding of your system is that there is right And wrong which are dictated by current authority anywhere in the place And then there is morality that is induviduals own judgment which is always lower And the reason the first holds Any value is to upkeep society

However in that case there is no value by which We can judge upkeeping society to be good other than induvidual morality in which case there is no point in having first one at all

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I am a true nihilist What does it make me