54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ah yes

arguing in favor of certain courses of action over other courses of action on the grounds of the specific consequences that will result from them, regardless of their conformance with traditional notions of virtue or external rules

as we all know this is extraordinarily common among non-consequentialists


Okay, here we are going to the true lawful evil part…
I want to upkeep society… because I want to rule it.

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20 Intelligence

Why are you minmaxing.



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Tradition and consequencialism is not in opposites to each other.

imagine not being True Neutral

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Why is charisma 12

Also imagine not being the best alignmentR7

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If we go by this alignment chart

I’m on +LN(E)

By that description neutral Good is literally consequentialist

Arete is describing “non-lawful” rn

I think the given description of neutral good is compatible with virtue ethics and would furthermore argue that virtue ethicists are a more central example of the thing people think of when they think of Neutral Good

But Arete, Consequentialism has nothing to do with being NG
I used to be a pragmaticist, I’m not 100% sure if I’m still that but I still endorse it

I agree

I never argued that it did?

I’m not 100% sure about the “Consequentialism” thing cuz of translation
But I thought it’s about “doing whatever has the best results”, aka teleology

The description in the pic describes consequentialist


that is to say

literally the thing that forms the basis of my ethical system

What are the best results, in your opinion?

In my opinion the best result is “keeping everything like it used to be, never change a running system”


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