54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Lolkat = locktown

Nice heal on Arete btw :^)

but if i was right

it would have been a sick heal and id be regarded as towngod katze from there on out

and honestly getting it down to a 50/50 with like… 10 people alive? eh, thats not awful :eyes:

Kat are you a votecount?

Cuz i’ll probably never analyze you


chloe are you a bitch


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Oh i was just memeing
I never designed anything

what time were you planning on hosting your thing areet

i hate this holiday but surely an april fools turbo would be amusing

It’s already started lmao.

haha april fools u got me good

Yes, very good.

I don’t like this holiday either you can’t fool people as easily.

its just annoying

i joke around with people all the time so for me i can just act really serious on april fools

but like

people seem to think that today means every sentence they speak must contain a very obvious opposite-of-the-truth statement and its

just annoying, really

[shrug emoji]

probably sometime in the afternoon my time

make sure you stay up as late as physically possible tonight

(haha get it? cause its a joke! april fools!)

When is afternoon your time?

it’s currently 2:38AM in arete-land

I woke up around 3:40 PM today, so that might happen :upside_down_face:

arete your sleep schedule is about equal to mine and that’s not a good thing

hey guys

did you know that the atomic weight of potassium is 39.0783 atomic mass units

I also got 12 hours of sleep last night