54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

oh so you’re just my sister except not my sister

I might not be able to join it then :crying_cat_face:

April Fools! it’s actually 39.0983 amu!

how could you do this to us


Bastard Monopoly game when?

It sucks because card games have such a high entry barrier

I can’t speak for mtg in terms of how it plays, but I know that it sorta works kinda good maybe

@discobot fortune

should i do the thing im thinking about doing

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

@discobot fortune

are you sure

:crystal_ball: It is decidedly so

@discobot roll 1d20

if this is above 15 im not listening to you

:game_die: 17

alright discobot ive beaten you at your own game


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delete this

I think you have the wrong idea here…

Join or perish, there are no wrong ideas there.