54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ngl smolmarsh was actually a big nerd but still with the big ego

like i’d pride myself in being smart and let everyone know. I’d punch me if i knew me. and i had a punchable face. Like i was the most punchable first grader.

but like during math class we’d do games and like i would fucking tryhard that shit. Around the world? you know i’d be fucking trying hard as shit.

and the pokemon thing was sarcasm

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which one is this responding to

like god

i would have hated young me tbh

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the recess one

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uhh, okay

does the time i basically blackmailed a kid for 2 years count as a “not concerning” story

you should tell us a Smol Vulgard story

(but no pressure if you’re not comfortable with that)

i would share smolgard stories but my memory is completely blank for like the first half of my life
i just remember bits and pieces

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…depends :eyes:

i think i worded that in the best possible light for me

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oh wait there was that time I started a war!

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i remember being unable to spread butter on bread

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my manual abilities have never been great tbh


that’s not a childhood thing when your hands don’t bend properly


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i’m the clumsiest and least dextrous person i know

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i was blackmailed by this girl for 2 years for pouring water on her freind from like ages 7-9 and then was like “fuck it idgaf fucking tattle on me bitch” and then she chickened out

so um gamer time :sunglasses:

oh wait

i actually have a good story thats actually cute

see the problem is that I only had a single friend for so long that I don’t have many stories
but the time I started a war
now that was fun

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i pushed my childhood friend into a spiky plant for no reason

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