54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Actually you make a good point, the reason people aren’t good at scumreading and doesn’t seem to improve is they don’t take this competitively

There’s no reason for them to actually try to improve if they just want to have fun. It’s probably one of the main differences that’s really showable if you look at it.

and that’s why I think I’m having trouble recruiting others as well to help with my idea

I think they see it as a waste of time

What’s your idea again

I only told others that I thought would help

I dont play for fun




Come again?

Why? It’s fun to be good in the game. It’s just not terrible if you aren’t.

best evidence of this
In MU, Mafia has to play exceptionally well in order to win because people are VERY good at reading progression


Easy, if you want others to get gud, teach them. Guide them. Just don’t do nothing and then be unhappy because they don’t improve.

For me, mechanics don’t make mafia fun.

For town:

  • Building towncores and shitposting relentlessly
  • Calling people out on bullshit
  • Looking at the game from different angles

What makes town fun is much of why solving a mystery is fun.
journey > destination

For maf:

  • Manipulating perceptions of people
  • Aggressively pushing agenda
  • Mislynching villagers

It’s the opposite for why Maf is fun
Seeing a plan come to fruition fuckin rocks


There’s a limit where teaching becomes ‘forcing them to play the way you want them to play’
You said it yourself

The best I can do is show them how I do it and then they can build their own style.


Also because I can’t host mentor/mentee games efficiently with the limited playerbase
FoL has clutter

Mechanics are just meant to enhance the game, they’re not supposed to be the main thing of the game.

At its core, mafia is a social deduction game. Uninformed majority informed minority.

Adding roles is just to make the game more interesting and fun.


For me personally (just to explain my point of view) the fun from FoL/ToL is coming from:

  • having a huge impact on the game (better positive than negative, but yeah, nothing is worse than if your play is meaningless), be it mechanical or social
  • being unpredictable and surprising people, for the sake of teaching tolerance
  • winning despite the odds, or losing because the winning team used awesome strats
  • being good in guessing people’s class
  • spending time with people I like
  • (for tol: catching toxic people (in-game) and making the game safer - I did that always, not only since I got guide)

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force them to drink it.


It’s not as easy as you think, if it was I would have done that already priestess. It’s the fact that if I do attempt to try, for example try to help magnus, it’s going to end up the same as when I tried to help Gamerpoke get better. They are going to ignore my advice, and then say mechanics are more fun I’m not good at reading people and then slank the whole game.

You mean… policy lynching them until they give up or giving in?

No, as in actually teaching them how to read people. Have you ever tried teaching a person something they don’t want to learn. It’s very hard.

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Yes. I gave up quickly to do that, because that’s harming their personal rights.

Which is why I stopped, and now you are accusing me of not trying to help people and complaining about them not getting good.