FoL Feedback Thread


Yeah alch as a neut is still shit better to make it BD JOAT with a 4 night cooldown on each pot.

Most likely it only gets to use each pot once before games ends anyway


New FoL when? :sob:

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probably this week
(Had planned it for friday, but that was before I got hindered by an emergency maintenance and yeah… some urgent tol duty. Hurray. But I try to get it done.)


fol fol fol fol fol FOL FOL FOL FOL


Crunch, big Crunch

Can we change this (and its variants) to “Target player will be unable to use their day abilities today”?
Think that’s easier to understand.


Yeah, that’s fitting to my preferred wording:

Silence: A silenced player is unable to use their abilities for the rest of the day.

Idk occupied fits the theme more :man_shrugging:

Exact wording > fluff
You can add latter one afterwards.

While it fits with flavour, day occupation doesn’t really make sense if you are moving from ToL > FoL.

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How does it not? If u take the idea of a butler occ and put it during the day that logic flows easily. As someone who started on tol I never found that hard

Silence exists, while Day occupation doesn’t exist.

Does silence prevent day abilities. It’s been a bit since I went over tol classes

Ok searched the entire wiki, no silence ability. But it’s an effect of distract. Distract allows players not to speak which is bastard in FM and FOL cause to many people died to getting a ping the same second they posted. And it also disallows uses of abilities during the day. So yeah it’s a occupy. Just be like it’s like silence but you can speak. Plus it’s like the same wording as butlers night version so it’s not to hard to find out what it does. Plus they can ask the host or pre game and people will answer them.

Cause like just like when they learned tol they should spend five to ten minutes reading the cards before they play FOL. If they have questions people will help them

Like if new people join in the next fol or NFOL. Litterally when they in, respond back saying “Thanks for inning, please read the classcards (link the classcards) and ask any questions you have before the match that way you are all caught up, since FOL has some tweaks to classes and some new unique ones”

But occupation does work completely differently tho…

Does it? It prevents abilities, what’s different

Occupying is a class blocking another from using an ability at night. It is known as “role-blocking” or “rb-ing” in other games of the genre.

Straight from the tol wiki. Sounds like it does the same thing to me