54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


forum didn’t crash and hjaisk is now queen of the forum


you didn’t have to do this @Mercenary

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Thanks priestess

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Mountainous Arson



forum shitposts but im too lazy so i only checked one thread with that was most likely to have shitposts

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since there has been a lot of games with a lot of mechanics (and the JOAT VFM/paint game) recently I had a stupid idea
make one myself but throw in like 20 special mechanics on it for no good reason

Make upick with classes and additional mechanic and you aren’t allowed to say what mechanic you made



big Crunch


No you dreamt about that.

what happened

What do you mean?

Why aren’t you a mod anymore

because he stepped down, done

Because I voluntarily stepped down.

There’s a conspiracy here and I’m going to find out what it is

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No, there is no conspiracy whatsoever.

That’s what someone involved in a conspiracy would say

That’s also what someone not involved in a conspiracy would say.

oooh oooh can I rant about my views about plausible skepticism?