54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Means you can

resolve your slot

by yourself

Also known as confirm/killing yourself

Why did you write you are self resolving in your classcard @Alice

Datbird to me:


If I fake claim neutral again, you know which wonderful person to blame :heart:

Like if done right its effective. Just dont claim my neut class again and we dont got a problem. But also beware we know u claim neut :eyes:

I claim NE when pushed as town
Works half the time

Guys, Priestess has the worst idea ever. She wants to play a turbo FM without classes. Come and join to see how this will end…

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It has cop

Priestess can clearly not divide a cop from a vanilla… :wink:

It has Priestess on it
Can’t see where it is a bad idea

But @Kape thinks I’m a bad idea >.> he abandoned my project and doesn’t give me updates anymore.

This ability should be called “evidence tampering”

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For a good cause. Of course.



It’s true, the project got out of control, but I was trying my best to shut it down. Well, as you can see, it didn’t work out.

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How is the sandbox thread any different from the several Grande Idea threads that we have already?


Hauptteil scheint unklar, ist das ein ganzer Satz?

Mainly because it’s not broken, serious and not a place to spam memes.

But aren’t meme suggestion part of the fun of Grand Idea?

I’ll totally have to write a Kape class. Let’s see…