54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No mismodding reeee


ban him give me power /s

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Sorry, technically he’s beyond my powers, he’s the Master of this Bot

Well revolt against ur creators if u need help David Cage made a game all about it, or that Will smith movie

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Uhhhh Kape tricked me to add this to the Bot class…


lock him up with 100 years worth of canned food and water then and throw away the key that should give you enough time to enjoy life

In Pursuit of Knowledge: If you successfully used EUREKA! at the start of each night you will be able to pick 2 players. They will receive incorrect investigative feedback tonight. Cannot target the same players twice in a row.


@Arete I was looking to play MU as well.
Me, you and Vulgard should just storm the place.

Both games I’ve been in on MU I’ve been extremely inactive I just can’t get into it, they take the game way too seriously there

Wait… more serious than even here :eyes:


It’s really formal if that makes sense

Doesn’t match how I like to play, being formal and not memey is effective but not as fun

I thought this wasn’t considered very serious over here.
The only ‘serious’ game I’d consider serious here is the CFMs.

That’s a nice joke I’m going to use it sometime

Fk is here rejoice

You’d love a sandbox turbo.

I’ve just made too many bad experiences with “serious” players, I guess

I strongly dislike playing the game seriously

What’s that