SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Laura Bodewig

Blue Dragon Social
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Religious Fervor (Passive) - Your presence ensures that any religious rivals do not nest in Adiart. The Mystic will not spawn.
Call of The Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Last Rites (Night) - Use target dead Blue Dragon Non-Killer’s infinite use ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. You may not use the same corpse more than once - Infinite Uses
Channel (Night) - The target dead player’s voice will be brought back to life until you die. They may speak and use your vote. Upon being converted, target dead player will also be converted, provided they can be. You are immune to occupation and redirection while using this ability. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Soulcatcher or The Apostle


Chartreux Westia

Blue Dragon Investigative
La Soleil Cafe (Passive) - You are masons to all Catgirls. Your private chat is called La Soleil Cafe
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Flirt (Night) - Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses
Will-o-Wisp (Night) - Release a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your target’s room. You will learn their faction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Duchess or The Seeker


Koneko Toujou

Blue Dragon Investigative
Scout (Day) - Scout a player. You will know if the unseen visit that player at any point afterwards. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else - Infinite uses
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Marshal or The Seeker

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The Better Alchemist

Neutral Support
Stoneskin (Passive) - Protect yourself from death once (death immunity). This passive is lost after you have achieved your win condition.
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to bleeding, occupation and redirection. This passive is lost after you have achieved your win condition.
Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal a player, protecting them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses :crown:
Emerald Potion (Night) - Kill two players this night. For this night, you cannot be prevented from dying if attacked. - 2 uses :crown:
You already won. Create chaos.



:ghost:'s subsequent ability:

One Ghosty Boi (Night) - During the next day, you will be allowed to speak in chat as if you were alive. can only be used while dead - 1 use

(this does not affect your ability to vote, or whether or not you count toward majority. You are still dead and cannot be targeted by most abilities)

basically this character is a worse vanilla bd that still counts toward majority after it dies, but still cannot vote, but in exchange gets a pretty powerful ability. since im kinda doing a dead interaction theme theres a chance it could talk to the living via someone else, so ghost is there in case none of the combo pieces roll.

as well, id recommend that if the target of Unfinished Business would die at the same time as this class, you should rule it as if this person died first, however WOTM so whatever

also ima just be using sticky in the future, so i specified how it works, despite this class being convert immune. also king is a thing sometimes.



302 (too lazy to format this properly sorry)

The Viber
Neutral Killer

Literally Just Vibing (Passive) - You are immune to all forms of death, occupation, and redirection.
Vibing License (Passive) - You are never allowed to AtE and if you are attacked then your attacker will randomly start bleeding in the middle of the day tomorrow due to not having good vibes. If you are lynched then your first voter will gain the Vibing License passive. If anyone other than you says “Vibe Check” or anything with “Vibe” in it, then they will suicide tonight if they do not have a Vibe License.
Good Vibes Only (Day) - Learn if your target can win with the scum faction immediately [1 Use]
Or Else (Day) - Silently dayvig a player bypassing immunities. Gain a use of Good Vibes Only if this kills a player that can win with the scum faction. [1 Use]
VIBE CHECK (Night) - Kill someone tonight, bypassing all forms of protection if they have claimed at least one ability or if you guess their class correctly because they are clearly not vibing. If this fails to kill then you gain a use of Good Vibes Only and Or Else. [Infinite]
*Win Condition: Defeat all major factions and neutrals who cannot win with you.



Cat With Human Ears

Neutral Investigative

Nine Lives (Passive) - The first nine nights you will be night immune, on the tenth, you will die bypassing everything.
Spy (Day) - Send the results of your Give Me My Ears Back to the scumfaction’s scumchat at the start of the night. - 3 Uses.
Pounce (Day) - If Give Me My Ears Back returns a positive check tonight, attack that player. - 2 Uses.
Give Me My Ears Back (Night) - Determine if target player is a catgirl. - Infinite Uses.
Nimble (Night) - Target two players, you will determine if either one is a catgirl. You cannot use this alongside Pounce. - 1 Use
Ensure that all catgirls die by the end of the game, at any cost.



Reroll if 305 doesn’t roll.

Yin (Neutral Offensive)

Dark Energy (Passive) - You know the identity of Yang, and cannot visit them, even if forced to.
Dark Rupture (Night) - Occupy target player - Inf uses.
See that Yang dies before you do. The game will not end until one of you is dead, or you two are the last ones alive


Reroll if 304 doesn’t roll.

Yang (Neutral Support)

Light Energy (Passive) - You know the identity of Yin, and cannot visit them, even if forced to.
Light Empower (Night) - Strongman target player’s abilities for 1 cycle - Inf uses.
See that Yin dies before you do. The game will not end until one of you is dead, or you two are the last ones alive


The Etheral King :crown:

Made of Aether (Passive) - You are made from an immaterial resource, and your existence is slowly vanishing away. You start with 8 Charges of Aether. Each day that passes, including Day 1, you will consume one Charge of Aether. When you reach 0 Charges of Aether, you lose. Your two passives remain even if your class is changed.
Almost Immortal, Fool (Passive) - Each time you would be killed, consume a Charge of Aether and stay alive instead. However, each time you use one of your abilities, consume a Charge of Aether. Surviving a lynch consumes three charges of Aether.
Consume The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be no more king elections.
Crown of Ghosts (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during a Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection.
Everything is Unsafe (Day) - Silently kill a player at plain light. - Infinite Uses.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Made with Life Essence (Night) - Learn the number of the rolecard of your target. - Infinite uses
Sharing the Aether (Night) - Select a player. They cannot be visited by anyone tonight, except killers. - Infinite Uses.
Have one or more Charges of Aether until the game ends.


The Vessel

Blue Dragon Killing
Notches (Passive) - You start with one charm slot, called a notch. You gain one additional charm slot at nights 2, 4, and 6.
Charms (Passive) - You have a diverse list of Charms to choose from. They are presented as it follows:

Fury of the Fallen - If you are attacked and survive, your attacks are unhealable.
Baldur Shell - Survive the next attack made upon you. Once this effect is triggered, the charm is unusable. You will be notified of it.
Nailmaster’s Glory - You gain a Prepare night action. If you use it, you will gain Occupy and Redirection immunity for your next night action.
Weaversong - If there are any neighbourizer-like abilities in the game, their actions will be redirected unto you if used on anyone else. Conversions are the exception.

Equipable only on day 3 and forwards:
Kingsoul - Every day or night, this charm adquires the effect of another charm you don’t have equiped. It also can give you abilities of charms you can’t equip and charms that are broken. You don’t know which ability was randed.
Grubberfly’s Elegy - As long you didn’t have even a single vote in the final vote count at any given day, you can use your night actions during day.
Mark of Pride - Non-killing actions of Neutrals won’t work on you.
Thorns of Agony - If you are lynched, your hammerer dies alongside you.

Equipable only on day 5 and forwards:
Quick Focus - If you use this charm alongside Kingsoul, you are informed of which ability you randed.
Dream Wielder - If you visit a member of a scum faction at night, you will also occupy them.
Sprintmaster - The restriction on your night action is lifted.

Equipable only on day 7 and forwards:
Grimmchild - If a player not aligned Blue Dragon visits you, you will attack them.
Void Heart - You will know if you target a neutral with your night ability.
Joni’s Blessing - You are night immune, but can’t be healed.
Quick Slash - You can use your night ability two times each night on different targets.
Soul Eater - If you hammer a player not aligned with the Blue Dragon, you will need one more vote to be lynched. This effect is stackable.

Bench (Day) - Equip a Charm to an empty notch, or change the charm that is equiped on a slot for another - Infinite Uses.
Nail (Night) - If a player has made less than 20*number of days posts, attack them. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

Converts to the Broken Vessel (308) or the Acolyte (708).


The Broken Vessel

Unseen Offensive
Infected (Passive) - The Radiance is the only charm you need. Any charms you had before are destroyed.
Slash (Day) - Roleblock day actions of your target. - 3 uses.
Flail (Night) - Swing your nail around. The players visiting you this night are occupied the next night. - 2 uses.
Cascade (Night) - A random player visiting you will be converted to the Unseen tonight. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

309 - This player thinks they are a Reaper, but is in reality a Knight and wins with BD.
Comments that should be removed before handing out the classcard are in code

The Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Blue Dragon Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. (Does not work if executed by The Prince) You start with two souls. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. You are aware of the number of souls you hold. This passive is bastard and does nothing
**Armored (Passive)** - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Occupy target player this day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. - Infinite uses :crown: This also does nothing
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them bypassing healing and occupying them. - Infinite uses :crown: **true effect of this ability is: You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses :crown:
Gather Darkness (Night) - Use Reap on target player. In addition, choose to do a number of the following modifications. You will consume a soul for each modification chosen. Bypass death immunity or you are occupy/redirection immune for this night. - Infinite uses :crown: **true effect of this ability is: Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.
*Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.*


The Blue Dragon Sellsword
Neutral Offensive

Blue Dragons Contract (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection, you’ll also appear as Butler to investigatives.
EK! (Day) - If king is not sided bd, you will make them unable to act tonight bypassing occupation immunity - 2 Uses.
Intimidate (Night) - Occupy the target player making them unable to act - Inifnite.
Huggy Wall (Night) - Hug a fellow bd player preventing them from people visiting them, doesn’t work on non bd. - Infinite.
Goal: Make Sure all evils are dead (You can win if everyone is dead including bd)




“Riviera? Such a nostalgic name. I remember when I was in my twenty-”
Neutral Offensive

Close to Nature (Passive) - You are immune to any animal-related actions, drugs-related actions, and magic-related actions.
Droning Elder (Passive) - You can use both night abilities at night. You must use a night ability at night. You cannot be occupied.

In My Time (Day) - Invite someone to be a part of your listener group. Infinite uses.
Have Some Biscuits (Day) - Offer someone a biscuit. If he accepts, his class will be revealed to you and he can use both day and night actions for today and tonight. 3 uses.

Lullaby (Night) - Hum a nursery rhyme of old. Every listener will be occupied tonight. Infinite uses.
Story Time (Night) - Tell a story of the good old day. Tomorrow, all listeners will have 2 votes. Infinite uses. 1 day cooldown.

Your objective is to make everyone alive a part of your listener group.

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The Arbiter :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - At the start of the match, you will learn the names of all evil factions in the match.
Tenacity (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune, and you may use both night abilities on the same night. However, you cannot be protected by any means and attacks targeting you cannot be prevented by occupation or redirection. This passive cannot be removed.
Entrust (Day) - Make a player permanently conversion immune and add them to a private day/night chat with you. (1 use)
Royal Judgment (Night) - Investigate a player, learning their alignment. If they are a member of an evil faction, you will automatically attack them. - Infinite uses
Royal Providence (Night) - Heal a player and make them conversion immune tonight. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Cannot be converted.

Credit to Alice (SFoL: Hand of Byzantium)



The Orator

Blue Dragon Social
Influence (Passive) - Your vote silently counts as two. All votes for you during King elections count as two, but you are not considered Royal.
Tally (Passive) - You passively analyze all cast votes and grow stronger as members of evil factions are voted. At the end of each day, silently add one counter to your Tally for each player who is voting a player not aligned with the Blue Dragon. You are not informed about how many counters you have. You do not lose any counters upon conversion.
Condemning Speech (Day) - Make a player silently require one fewer vote to be lynched today per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. Cannot target the King or yourself. (2 uses, 1 day cooldown)
Defense of the Weak (Day) - Make a player silently require one more vote to be lynched today per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. Cannot target the King or yourself. (2 uses, 1 day cooldown)
Behind the Scenes (Night) - Silently negate a player’s vote tomorrow and add it to your vote. Cannot target the King.
Pull Strings (Night) - Make your vote count as one more tomorrow per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. (2 uses, 2 night cooldown)
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Demagogue or The Apostle.

The Demagogue

Unseen Social
Insidious Influence (Passive) - Your vote silently counts as two. All votes for you during King elections count as two, but you are not considered Royal.
Tally (Passive) - You passively analyze all cast votes and grow stronger as members of the Blue Dragon and their allies are voted. At the end of each day, add one counter to your Tally for each player who is voting a player aligned with the Blue Dragon. You are informed about how many counters you have at the start of each night.
Venomous Speech (Day) - Make a player silently require one fewer vote to be lynched today per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. Cannot target the King or yourself. (2 uses, 1 day cooldown)
Defense of the Evil (Day) - Make a player silently require one more vote to be lynched today per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. Cannot target the King or yourself. (2 uses, 1 day cooldown)
Behind the Scenes (Night) - Silently negate a player’s vote tomorrow and add it to your vote. Cannot target the King.
Pull Strings (Night) - Make your vote count as one more tomorrow per 10 counters of Tally you have, starting at 0 Tally counters. (2 uses, 2 night cooldown)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Might make this unique later, I’m on the fence.



The Little Lizard :fire:

Neutral Special
Awww So Cute! (Passive): Any offensive night actions used on you will fail. This means anything that can stop you from doing an action or cause you death.
Rawr! (Day): It will be announced there is a Little Lizard in the thread.
Evolve (Night): Evolve, and become a Slithery Snake!
Bite (Night): Chomp! Bite someone, they will start to bleed and will be notified they have been bitten.
Evolve into the Dragon at all costs

Credit to Solic for inspiration, lol


The Identity Thief :shield:

Neutral Special
Survivor’s Assessment (Passive) - At the start of the match, you are informed about the names of all factions in the game and the classes of the Neutral Killers, if there are any. Until the end of the first day, you must choose one of the factions or Neutral Killers or you will commit suicide at the beginning of the night. Your objective will change to the objective of the faction or Neutral Killer you have chosen, and you will win the match with them. You do not learn the members of the faction you have chosen.
Avoidance (Day) - The next day ability used against you today will be nullified. Does not count as an occupation. If the nullified ability takes effect during the night, it will still be nullified. You retain Avoidance upon successfully using Take After or Steal Identity. (2 uses)
Take After (Night) - Only available if you have the Blue Dragon’s objective. Choose a dead player aligned with the Blue Dragon whose class is non-unique. You will gain the passives and infinite use abilities of their class at the end of the night. At the start of the day after you successfully use this ability, the following message will be announced to the court. “Something feels different in the court… as if somebody is not quite the same as before.” You may still use Take After on subsequent nights. When you do, you will lose the abilities and passives of the previous class you took after.
Steal Identity (Night) - If you have the Blue Dragon’s objective, this ability is unavailable. Choose a dead player.

  • You will gain all abilities and passives of their class at the end of the night.
  • If they were displayed as a false class, you will gain the abilities of their true class.
  • You will appear to investigators as that class until you steal a different player’s identity.
  • You have the initial amount of limited ability uses of the class you stole.
  • At the start of the day after you successfully use Steal Identity, the following message will be announced to the court. "Something feels different in the court… as if somebody is not quite the same as before."
  • You may only steal each player’s identity once.
  • If you steal an evil faction member’s identity, you will not be added to their faction chat and their faction will not be informed.
    You may still use Steal Identity after already stealing a player’s identity. When you do, you will lose the abilities and passives of the previous class you have stolen.

Choose your side and follow their agenda.



The Slithery Snake :fire:

Neutral Special
Hissssss (Passive): If you ever put the letter S in any of your posts, you must drag it out like thissssss. Failure to do so will cause you to devolve back into The Little Lizard
Scary! (Passive): You’re very spooky! Once someone sees you, they run away in terror! If someone has targeted you once, they cannot target you again. You are immune to redirection.
Venomous (Night/Day): Bite someone. The mod will provide 5 different types of venom to this class at the start of the game or when the Little Lizard evolves. The venoms will have various effects/uses. The Snake will not know what the venoms do. The venoms will be listed under this action. Venoms can be used once per phase.
Evolve (Night): Evolve into the Dragon
Evolve into the Dragon at all costs



The Dragon :fire:

Neutral special
Oh my lord it’s a dragon (Passive): You are immune to any form of death other than lynching.
Im like, the best (Passive): You must let people know how superior you are to them in all your posts. Failure to do so will devolve you back to the Slithery Snake. You are immune to claimvig.
Fly away (Day): Fly away. You will be unable to be lynched and will not be able to post or like posts or perform day actions. - 1 Use
Wtf I’m better (Day): Kill a player provided they have claimed a class that has more abilities than or the same amount of abilities as you. Does not count Passives.
Breath literal fire (Night): Breath Fire. It will kill anyone targeting you and a player of your choice. It will be announced by the mod the next day that there was a fire last night.
Legandary (Night): They will fear you! Provided you have killed at least 2 people will Breath literal fire and you have dodged death using Oh my lord it’s a dragon, you may ascend to the heavens. It will be announced that the Dragon has ascended.
Successfully use Legendary



The Disaster

Blue Dragon Social
Asset to the Enemy (Passive) - Whenever a player aligned with the Blue Dragon is lynched or shot by an ITA, you become night immune on the night following the lynch and/or shot.
Hero Shot (Day) - Fire a 15% accuracy ITA shot by saying /ITA [Player Name] in the thread. The accuracy is tripled if you target a player aligned with the Blue Dragon.
Readlist (Night) - Construct a readlist during the night and send it to the host. Tomorrow, your Hero Shot accuracy against the three ‘scummiest’ players on the list will be doubled. Stacks with Hero Shot’s triple accuracy on players aligned with the Blue Dragon.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Conversion immune.