A Sad Reality For FM

Nah, if we restrict we’re going to be restricting all of them, not categorizing. Obviously this wouldn’t apply to non-fm games and RPS though

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Roleplays are always exempted. Eheheheh.


Official FM would probably have to be Vanilla-style games only. All in accord?

An alternative to enforcing a hard maximum, would be people having an unspoken agreement not to let the number of game get out of hand? Like don’t start your game until there’s not a billion going on


(Honestly I have been waiting to post but… D:)

Should Be 3 categories
Standard (using standard mafia setups)
Experimental (custom setups. If enough people vote on a setup, it can be moved into standard)
Bastard (all that chaotic fun stuff)

4/4/2 should be the maximum amount of games per category

That’s still 10 games maximum which is far too much

In addition to 3 FOLs.

If we’re separating it into categories it should be
1/1/1 or 2/1/1

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2/2/1 maybe?

I personally don’t want to wait half a month because one FM game isn’t in my taste

Which I actually take issue with for Wham’s reasoning

My personal suggestion, if we’re doing this, is

VFM - 2 - Vanilla Games
CFM - 2 Custom Games
BFM - Unlimited - Bastard Games

We can add, shift, rename, or renumber categories as needed, but this sounds like a good start.

Also I’m not sure I want the FoL team to also be in charge of this tbh (y’all got enough on your plate), but since that’s literally just mods I’m not sure how else to do it lmao

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The easiest way to handle it
is for people to just NOT start games when there are a ton going on
Like 5 games ongoing? Chill until one ends. Post the sign-ups and start the op, sure but wait for games to finish (or people who have been waiting longer) to actually begin.


I update the FM / Forum Game Hub for a reason

I agree but that hasn’t been working

There are 5 games ongoing right now, outside of FoL which is it’s own beast

1 Bastard,
1 uPick,
1 Vanilla (close to ending)
1 Custom

If we can keep it around that number, things should be fine. Which means people with games in signups - WAIT until a game ends before you start your game.

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Call it by it’s name you fucking bastard :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally I was against regulating fm as I thought it would die down but in actuality it has not.

I don’t really just want a normal list though. Some fms aren’t very good and don’t have much thought put into them and some fms are very speedy like assassin in the palace or kingmaker, so it’s kinda annoying having to wait through 4 16 player games to be able to play them.

Maybe a limit on how many you can host like 1 game a month? That would reduce the games and increase the quality? I dunno. I just think if there is a list ppl might spam it so if there is one I’d like it if you can only have one game on the list at a time.

It’s difficult.

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