Academy {Main Thread}

She crosses her arms. A wry smile on her face.

“Now now, black jackets. Don’t worry too much about it. I ain’t Josie or Mrs Vandyck, but I’ll answer each and every question you may have, once we get to the academy field.”

“Sara Valestein,” Magnus mumbles. “Combat teacher.”

She awaits at the entrance of the auditorium.

The boy got up, clearly annoyed.

Elise gets up as well.
“I believe we should be going.”

The other girl stands up as well, going across Faustus and Hunter as she did so, not while giving Hunter a weird look.

Is that a weird sense of guilt? I hope so.

“Let’s hope this isn’t initiation,” Magnus jokes as he follows Elise.

Faustus sighs as he gets up, and follows Magnus. “We’ll see about that, Neptune.”

Jem stares at Hunter pitifully. “Whatcha do?” He asks as he heads towards the teacher.

Magnus seems to like the nickname. He didn’t backhand Faustus, at any rate, although something told him he would be called that for the rest of his time at the Academy. May as well get used to it.

Hunter sighs as he follows the rest of the group.

“Who are you?” Jem asks the teacher, having not heard Magnus’s earlier comment.

Magnus coughed, breaking the silence.

Magnus glances around, attempts to sneak past @Shurian Valestein.

Academy Fields

@Magnus @Lightsin @James @Ami @fireslol

You all follow the teacher out of the auditorium building to the Academy Field.

As it suggests, it is a field. Lush green grass maintained by the janitors of the school, with three buildings in the eastern side of the field. A storeroom, a stable and a staff restricted room.

You all are led to the middle of the field.

“Now now, no need to be hasty.”
There are 8 counters on the field. Everyone’s weapon is there. There lays a steel sword beside the wooden sword.
“Recognise your weapons? Go grab them. We had a few neat modifications to them, courtesy of Contrast Corporation.”

“Now now. I suppose you know what this entails.”

Sara Valestein
Commoner - Milias State - Combat Training Instructor - Homeroom Teacher of Class VI

“I am Sara Valestein, your homeroom teacher for the next two years. You call me Ms. Sara, sweeties.”

She winks.

Magnus grabbed his Trident with ease, examining it for said ‘modifications.’

All of you notice a Quartz embedded into each weapon.

Besides the weapon, there were two other items. One was a handbook, with the school motto and additional pages. Next, was an odd looking device that could be flipped open. (A flip-phone. Considered new technology.)

Matija retrieves his Rifle. He then examines it for modifications

Magnus grunted and tossed his Trident to James as he grabbed the book and fliphone.

Hunter grabbed the handbook and read it’s materials.

James caught it and stumbled back, dropping it. He darted around Magnus, grabbing his shortsword, book and phone. He turned to Hunter. “Is that a wooden sword there?” He asks.

“Oh yeah, that’s mine.”
Hunter grabbed the weapon.
“Thanks for the reminder.”

Magnus swung his Trident around with an astounding display of upper body strength, somehow not chopping anyone’s head off.