Academy {Main Thread}

Magnus stands by, waiting for the noble to be knocked down.

“You sure seem to like being knocked around, so I’d wager yes, Venus.”
Faustus taunts, twirling his gladius in anticipation for her to call him up next.

It wasn’t pretty.

As he thrust at the instructor once more, Sara twisted her body slightly, dodging by a miniscule amount.

“Stop playing wi- Gargh!”
She drops a chop right onto the boy’s neck. He crumples to the ground, completely out.
“Here’s a bit of not playing around!”


“Oh dear. Well…” She whips out a flip-phone much like the ones you received.

“Umm… Beatrice? Yeah… I have a teensy little problem here…”

Beatrice Vandyke
Commoner - Infirmary Caretaker
Ex-Combat Medic in the service of the Imperial Army 2nd Division

“Sara. We’ll have to have a talk later.”
An old lady, white long hair with braids spoke to the instructor. She seemed reasonably stressed at the prospect of more students injured. She seemed like a kind elder grandmother who’d hate to see her kids hurt and nurse them back to health.

Sara laughed it off; “I tried, really.”

Ferris whispered amongst the group, “No. She didn’t. I’m kinda worried about ourselves for later.”

“Oh well, we can’t really control the fact on how hard she can swing, so no point in worrying about it.”

“Faustus, is it? Can I team up with you?”
Ferris asks, still standing by her weapon.

You see a bow, with no arrows. Huh.

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“Alright, see no reason why to say no.”

“Alright, who’s next?”

Sara says, though she does seem to be a little uneasy, especially with Beatrice watching the stadium as well.

“May we?” Ferris stands by.

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“We may”

The two students, Faustus and Ferris, step out into the grounds.

“Well. It’s the same as the previous round. Either get me once, or I call a match over. Understand?”

“One chance to beat you, got it Venus”

Well… Unluckily for you, the boy is out cold.

“Right!” Ferris readies her bow. “Aurus Leirius!”
A light shines from her bow, and arrows form. She stays behind Faustus.

“Ready when you are Faustus. I’ll cover you and cut off her paths!”

“Aw shucks, guess I’m the human shield. Good luck Diana.”
Faustus pulls out his gladius, and rushes. He attempts to feint an attack and grab Sara by the shirt, and bash his pommel into her shoulder to weaken her, then jump back.

An arrow is fired to Sara’s left, and Faustus charges from the right.

“Oh boy, another front assault. I see.”
She dodge- wait, Faustus isn’t attacking with the sword, he’s coming to grab her! She grunts and shifted her momentum ever so slightly, causing Faustus to miss ever so slightly.

And the arrow comes right at her. Oh, snap. What was she going to do? Oh. Damn it, adults don’t play fair, she never played fair, even if they were just kids.

She fires her gun and the arrow deflects from its trajectory, towards Faustus, who steps back, avoiding the attack.

Though, the arrow disippated as soon as it landed on the ground.

“Whoa, shouldn’t have went easy on you guys. That was quick!”
Beatrice is in the background watching from afar. Sighing. “Does she ever know when to stop?”

“Come on again. You may actually get me!”

Ferris fires two more arrows, aiming for Sara’s body and to the left of her. She dodges the attack by jumping towards the right… right where to Faustus was.

Her gun was by her left hand, and she was gonna land on her right foot first. She does seem focused on you though.

Ferris seems to be aiming another arrow.

Faustus knows he has to do the unthinkable, so he just charges. but halfway through, he stops and just throws his gladius at Sara, hoping to catch her by surprise long enough for an arrow to get launched.

Oh boy, its the boy full of surprises.

She lands on her feet, and expects a rush. Though she didn’t quite expect the gladius being flung in her direction.

She jumps up again, this time visibly higher, jumping half the height of Faustus, grabbing his gladius that was thrown in the air.

And just at that moment, an arrow headed straight for the instructor. Damn, she’s pretty accurate, isn’t she?

And she cuts off the arrow mid air as she falls to the ground…

Faustus nods in approval as his gladius gets caught midair. He looks at his hands and sighs, there goes that plan. he looks at Ferris again, this time with an asking look of “again?”

“Well, you guys performed exceptionally well for students!”

Sara walks towards Faustus and gives his gladius back.

“Well well, there’s more of you to clear up, so let’s keep going!”

She appears to not have lost any kind of stamina. What?
@Ami @James @fireslol

“I’m just glad that’s over… at least she didn’t go on the offense…” Ferris sighs, going back to the group. “And also, you were really skilled with that short sword! I just wish I could have done more to help.”

“Yeah, I can imagine the pain of her going offense. You did amazing, nearly got her a couple of times. Had it not been for her exceptional skill we would’ve actually beaten her.”

“Yep.” She responds.
The light on her bow slowly dimmed out. The arrows diminished as well.
“Well, we should watch the others. I’m curious about the others as well. As well as their different weapons. Especially Elise with that staff and James with that thin blade…”

(Staff, as in a blunt weapon that is technically a long stick)

“Definetly, still going to wonder if anyone is going to get as close as we are, Ferris.”
He didn’t use a nickname this time, you note.