Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

isn’t the magna carta a thing from England or did yall rip it off?

England. Vikings. Innocent until proven guilty. You ripped it off.

.>has never read the magna carta or english bill of rights

Magna Carta is good.
Profile name is Magnus.

@Shurian shu shu

When u awoke early

i regret


Sorry for limited activity, have irl stuff ;-; I’ll be fully active in about 30 mins

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you have lost the privileges to your life buy saying the words
“nico nico kneecaps”
your defense?

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good defense citizen. you may have your life back




a new world intesifies

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It was already hinted in the time attack challenge

i have bad memories of le uzu

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the ice cream loli scares me

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I cant stay up any longer…

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night night shu shu