Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“While that sounds like a good idea, I do not like the idea of dealing with one of them while leaving the other free. Unless you can distract the second beetle or somehow make it unable to do anything, we are going to need another person for this plan.”

“Pretty sure I got a way”

“Do we really need to fight them”
“They’re still beetles. They probably don’t move that fast. Just draw them out then just walk past them.”

“Id rather not have them metaphorically nipping at our heels”

“You do realize you don’t have to poke them”

“Then what do you recommend?”

“Did you listen to what I just said”
Threnvi gives a deadpan expression
“Alternatively you could try to flip them by having them walk over something”

Uriah considered Threnvi’s words, and nodded. “That would work, if we had anything other than our weapons to make them cross over.”

Aleksei walks over to the nearest wall and leans on it. “This still seems like a whole bunch of unneeded work when we could simply just exterminate them and move on. If you guys want to be friends of nature then be my guest.”

Uriah glanced at Aleksei. “I thought a Noble like yourself would consider strategic warfare. If your plan is to ‘exterminate’ the enemy and ‘move on,’ you risk being defeated upon fighting an enemy being more physically powerful than yourself.“

“It’s two goddamn beetles. If we can’t fucking handle something as simple as this i’d like to volunteer to be shot and tossed in a ditch”

Uriah sighed. “It’s a metaphor for actual combat. Besides, there is the chance those beetles are more dangerous than they appear. In any case, the only downside to assuming so is wasting time. We’re doing that anyway, aren’t we?”

“You aren’t exactly helping.” She sighs “If you wanna stop wasting time take the first step.”

“As she said, if you really believe these beetles are more powerful then all of us combined, then be the change you want to see.”

“After all” She smirks “The gods favor the bold”

“I am not in anyway saying the beetles are more powerful than we are,” Uriah said. “On the other hand, you must wonder why they are here as an obstacle. Unless you think they are not meant to be here?”

“It is quite hilarious that you accused me long ago of ‘false’ assumptions, and here you are, assuming I think that the beetles do not belong here. Are you daft? It is obvious they are blocking the exit for a reason.”

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“I accused you not of false assumptions, but of what you were assuming. And if you agree they are blocking the exit for a reason, why do you suppose it would be an easy task to walk past them?”

“I am not going to waste time on the past, as you and I both know that I am right about you seeing my view on you lot as false. And obviously, they are there as a mental deterrent. To show how far people are willing to see such a simple creature.”

Al does a quick head count.

“There is 2 of them, and what 6 of us? We have them 3 to 1. Why are we overthinking this?”

She then sighs “Courier kid and Shotgun guy. You wanna take the one on the left or right with me?”