Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“We will now begin the opening ceremony for the Sias’ Branch Campus!”

“We will omit the opening speeches. We will start by announcing class assignments!”

“First off, we have Class VIII: Military Finance! The instructor is Mary Terrians!”

“When you hear your name, please step out and join her!”

The blonde lady stood forwards and raised her hands, smiling sweetly, before looking at the paper given to her…

“Okay… Alex… Dion, Irene, Herman, Gustaf, Celine, Lucas, Samantha, please come forward!”

“And for Class IX: Combat Tactics, Instructor Randall Danvel will be your Instructor.”

“Yeah, guys and gals with the same names I shout out, gather over here and line up in twos.” The red haired man stepped forward, grinning.

“Melantha, Luna, Sidney, Nathan, Harry, Sherby, Sherman, Monica, Lirette. Get in line!”

Now that everyone’s settled… Huh.

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The petite instructor looked at her own papers, before looking at the 5 left over.

“Silence! We will now have a word from our Principal!”

The military officer shouted to quell the faint swelling of voices from the students.

“Hm.” The Imposing Woman nodded, and raised her voice.

“I am Aurelia Le Guin. Principal of the Branch Campus.”

“As some of you are new to Adiart, not all of you are familiar with my name. That however is of little concern to me.”

“Now. Some of you may have noticed already, but for those of you who haven’t; this school is a trash bin.”

Al stifles a chuckle at that last comment.

“The Crown Prince will be attending the main campus this year. As such, the main campus will undergo heavy reform.”

“This place is where they can toss aside those who they deem too troublesome, or those with problematic backgrounds.”

“Just like that. All of you, our instructors, and even myself are here because we have been tossed aside.”

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Though, the teachers react in shock. Clearly they have not expected this.

“Hey now…” Instructor Danvel scratches his head, sighing.

“Principal Le Guin, t-that is far too-” The officer retorted.

“However. There is a saying. ‘Be ever Vigilant, as though the world is a battlefield.’”

“Such a mindset is difficult to learn in times of peace. However, the situation we find ourselves in is a perfect environment for it.”

“Those who lack the resolve to better themselves – to reforge themselves in fire and steel – leave now.”

“Or you run the risk of leaving later, in Aidios’ arms.”

The Principal looked up at the students, studying their responses.

Al was deadpan
Not moved, not frightened, nothing.

Rhosyn looked directly at the Principal, unmoving except for nervously twitching with her hands

This is completely interesting and definitely not a metaphor for the current political climate.
This is stupid.


Aleksei just stood there, unfazed by the instructor. He had recieved worse, recalling to times of youth with his father. The thought made him shiver, as father wasn’t the best when angry. Besides, as long as he got something of use that the military wants, like becoming a spellcaster or a forward scout, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter where he goes.


While the other four had remained silent, with limited responses, Uriah looked the Principal and the instructors in turn, giving each one a reckless smile as he folded his hands behind his back.

After looking at the students, she smiled; None of them had burst out crying, nor had given up. Each and every one of them had a fire in their heart.

“Then I welcome each and every one of you into Sias’ Branch Academy.”
“Arise o Youth, and become the foundation of this world.”
“I greet you with the words from Emperor Adiart himself!”

Now that Classes VIII and IX have left to do their orientation exercises, the 5 of you are left wondering with Instructor Herschel, the old man, the young lady and the Principal.

Uriah decided he would take charge. “Great to be here,” he said, taking a few steps forward. “So we’re going to start with an orientation exercise, right?”

Threnvi gives a look of ‘what now’ to the authority figures in the room.
It’s partially because he doesn’t even understand a lick of what…odd things they will do, and partially because he understands that they probably planned every part of this out despite the fact that their plan ended up shitty.

“If i may be so bold to speak.” Al pipes up

“Innit a bit bloody confusing why us five are without a class yet assigned?”


Uriah glanced back at Al. “Oh, it’s the mad flutist,” he muttered under his breath. “It’s obvious we’re in a class together. Which is just great.”

“That’s definitely an observation.”
“If I had my pick of tropes to analyze I’d assume that there’s either a part of the class that’s not here yet or we ARE that class.”


“Well, look like we got ourselves a real fuckin wise guy huh?” She adjusts her uniform

“Why do you let us remain while send the other two classes off on their exercise?”

Threnvi takes out the remainder of the tarts (he didn’t have any) and turns to face Uriah, extending them out to them.
“I believe these are yours. I’m don’t want it to sound like I forgot, but I forgot. Ultimately not that important.”

Instructor laughs nervously. The “paper” she was given was revealed, and it was nothing but an empty paper.

“Principal, please announce the final class.”