Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

well excuse me for actually randing miller this time

Tbh most obvious fakeclaim is a vig considering it was track and gunsmith check.

from what I can guess I’m automatically routed to the factional kill every night for trackers/watchers, because lolbalance.

Well so why you didn’t bring this and accused me of lying first ? Which is what i am wondering


And yes, I did miss Maxi’s “green check” and a green check from a wolfread onto another wolfread is not enough to make Luxy anything like cleared.

I’m severly disapointed by people not trying to roleplay Ici’s case.

Permission for Captain to post Objection! Theme granted

I checked my rolecard and i realised that all investigatives INCLUDES tracker as well as gunsmith

But Marl banned them tho

He banned gifs, not videos

He banned ANIMATED gifs not a png or jpgs

Marl would put a wolfy af town class in the game in rolemadness purely to give wolves easy mislynches.
I’m going to rant about my class for years afterwards but I am NOT getting lynched today.

I asked whether we could have a personal gif limit/ day but no such luck :frowning:

I’m sorry, but I’m Emissary 2-shot Motivator Omnimiller is my role and if you mislynch me then just remember that Eevee is lock clear when I die.


Event signups:

Event - roleplaying Ici’s case as trial.
Prize - fun


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Did you at any point yesterday try and soft the fact that you were a miller?

/stand as prosecution with Cap as witness

Ok boys Ici is kinda lock town

@Icibalus why were you so apathetic towards the game day one? It’s unusual of you not to try and lead the town day one.


I mean I am town but… Not sure if real or pocketing.