Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

If I’m that wolfy for you, you aren’t really aggressively trying to get me hung. You are basically saying look at my argument. You aren’t saying VOTE HIM NOW, you aren’t trying to CFD to me you are basically trying to let us make up our mind. Which is weird.

@Htm we are lynching you d4
you aren’t even trying to help town
good luck living past d4 unlynchable lion

Also last note:If you are Miller speak up now or forever hold your peace.

Firekitten, I want to note that me saying Marl might be executioner was me potenitally reconsidering my read on him, not you not being wolfy.

If marl is exe I can’t be a wolf so what is it. Is he a exe or am I a wolf.

the jokes on you ici
i dont even know what that means because i dont know what executioner does here

fuck marl’s derpcleared himself
abort abort abort abort


i dont need to derpclear myself i’m an innocent child

dont you have an alfa on the grill that you need to flip before the game burns


But Marl, Alfa tastes best when she’s burnt

Okay, okay, I’ve posted EoD so I can conentrate on EoD in this game.


He led it as a policy lynch. Policy lynch is an easy excuse for wolves to get a mislynch without consequences on people, which is evidenced by you using “he pushed a mislynch” as evidence for why he’s village.

He’s a lurker so I haven’t gotten around to him yet, I’ll probably have to fit in a very quick ISO scan on him right now.

Yes, I changed my mind because of FK’s behaviours. I believe 100% that Sam is never wolf here, still.

Roughly 47 minutes until the EoD.

My vote isn’t movin’

/lock my vote in on captain

Why would I policy lynch someone who could hurt Town more alive then dead, as well if you think I’m scum make up your mind on marl being exe or not, it’s obvious he’s not as his bait was bad and he would of voted me right away if he was exe.

As well lynching captain and him flipping mafia clears htm and bin of being mafia, as captain was trying to shade them both. ISO captain.


i’ll take my 2 dollars

It dosen’t change the fact that Meme was village and that voting someone they knew to be village for the purpose of a “policy lynch” is +EV for wolves, even if it also benefitted village.

okay the Firekitten lynch is going nowhere it seems. I’d push it harder but there isn’t enough time here, so for the purposes of making sure there’s a lynch:

/vote Captain