Alternate Account Applications

You can read people without alts both way

Having alt allows only 1 of those options

On second thought, there are problems with advantages people with alts get, however those can easily be overcome if you are a good enough player.

Let’s take for example a wolf. The way wolves win is by tricking people into not lynching wolves, and lynching villagers. One of the main ways they can do this is by deepwolfing or powerwolfing. When you rand wolf, your first action should be to skim the playerlist to know what type of game you should be playing. Meaning you can get a general gist on how you should play in order to trick this playerlist. With alts however, you have to wait and see how the person plays in order to figure out how to trick them.

If you think about it more however, if you are a good enough wolf you should be able to adapt your play depending on how the alt plays, not just the meta of how a player plays.


How does that matter at all? An alt is no different then a new person.


Guess That is true yes

But you can Usually ask new Person for info on their play if you feel they arent new

Main problems is that it means you need to play as alt To not lose on advantage

Yes but that is more likely to be less accurate And requieres way more effort to play against someone

Rule 22 has been altered to allow alts to share their identity in scumchat (as most scumchats are hosted on discord), as well as deadchat, as long as no dead-interaction exists.

Thank you for patience when it comes to this new system. We are still in Beta :tm: and fixing problems as we see them.


This change made me thing of several things that I don’t really have an opinion on, however I want to know what moderators stance are on it. Obviously these are weird circumstances however since we run rolemadness setups I could see some of these issues pop up.

1.Is sending a message to a player as a lost wolf to a person you think is scum, that you are an alt account of X, against the rules? This could apply when scum has ‘majority’ but doesn’t realize it, or it could be using a night/day ability.

2.Is sending a message to a player and falsely saying that you are X, the alt account in a game, and that your real identity is Y (even when you aren’t X), in order for some shengians to happen is against the rule?

I swear I thought of more but oh well

I guess a sub part of this question could be something similar to VCFM, if there was no reporter. There was three scum teams who could communicate using quicktopic without knowing each other identity. However they each had different win conditions that could sometimes conflict with each other. Would it be bad to claim that you are an alt in this scenario?

these would both be against the rules

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can you create a fake discord account in an attempt to convince your scumbuddies you are someone you are not

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imagine that you, Arete, are playing as an alt named Estel and rand scum

making an alternate Discord account as Estel to avoid outing that you are Arete: fine

making a Discord account named Alice, as Estel, to try to convince scum that you are Alice: not fine


Wait so what if you are town neighborizer

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Is there a way to see when a discord account was created

if you use bots yes

new discord accounts will say they are new but you can’t specifically see the creation date unless you use a bot

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alts exist

am alt

can we join/spec games under revealed alts for purposes of different playstyles/rp

frankie ily



guess it’s a one-off thing for all of 'em

I don’t think you’re allowed to talk outside of forum games as an alt, so I’d assume no.