NewD3 - Mafia Chat

Can I get a straight yes or no, so I don’t get yelled at please

No, you can’t

According to the rules, mafia members are allowed to out themselves to others also.

This is an anonymous game so I understand if it is different.

Where is this?

Let me find it. One moment.

This scumchat is not hosted on Discord so it’s up to the host, I believe.

I’m following Forum Rules, and as it is altered, you can share your identity here

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I am Wazza. Who are you, Telephone?


here is where it is

Oh you already saw good job

I’m barley awake

I’m tired

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Oh, I missed the ‘other’

Wheat is your spelling?

I do be derps

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Hah, interesting.


Can you explain how the rand works better because your explanation dosen’t help me

Roll a 1d3 for the column
Roll a 1d3 for the row


@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 1

So that’s A

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 1

So it’s A1

which would be Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker vs. Town Cop, Town Doctor, 5x Town Vanilla