An Empty World [Automatic Regeneration...]

someone please please draw this

I turn around. There is someone here. He appears to have cat ears. That’s interesting.

I ask this person where I am.

his name is marshal

marshal tries to attack min but is defeated because min is the avatar of the god of joy


back at the ranch

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“I don’t want to fight. Why have you tried to attack me?”

I say. I’m frustrated, lost, and alone on this random planet. I feel scared here. I woke up on this planet and now I find joycats and I’m being attacked by this cowboy catboy.

incase you could not tell what this is
i’m escaping some kind of ship :tm:
(the ship is hovering above joycatze (which is what i’m calling this world))

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fuck joy

joycat is a meme that has been beaten to the ground marshal says

im gonna kill more joycats

“Who cares if it’s a dead meme? It’s a very much alive organism on this planet. How can you hurt one? They’re so cute.”


“You’re even part Joycat.”

fuck off bitch says marshal

and then he makes a hole into hell and goes into it planning his next move



I can say for sure that’s interesting.

I pet a cat. It purrs. :smile_cat:

it punches you in the throat

“nothing personnel kid” it says with marshal’s voice

the cat melts into shadow

I pass out.

Ya’ll like wars?

i will start a war

alch bad

I agree
Alchemist bad, Fool Good

interesting development
most people that dislike alch also dislike fool

i quite like fool but if i look at the facts it probably is quite unhealthy for the game

Nah man, I’m shutting my brain on this

Alchemist bad, can’t infinite heal anymore
Fool Good, cuz it’s fool,

they changed it?

For those who are looking for an actual RP Interest Check, please check out the latest thread by me.

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I wake up. Where am I now?