An Empty World [Automatic Regeneration...]

i will start a war

alch bad

I agree
Alchemist bad, Fool Good

interesting development
most people that dislike alch also dislike fool

i quite like fool but if i look at the facts it probably is quite unhealthy for the game

Nah man, I’m shutting my brain on this

Alchemist bad, can’t infinite heal anymore
Fool Good, cuz it’s fool,

they changed it?

For those who are looking for an actual RP Interest Check, please check out the latest thread by me.

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I wake up. Where am I now?


you fucking died h0ly shit

No I didn’t cringelord

luckily you prepared for this

you create a circle of salt around you using salt you hid in your underpants and utter the secret words

“ghana lock cringe”

you are suddenly bathed in light and feel a sharp pain accros your entire body, you hear a choir of angels

you are back in your old body, breathing

marshal has been weakened by your assault, it is only a matter of time before you slay him you just need to find him

I’m not sure how to feel about this but it’s so funny so I laugh

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you laugh at the meaninglessness of your life

suddenly the dm realizes the plot has ground to a stand still and makes something wacky and ostentatious happen

@Geyde suddenly appears, he is a very majestic looking orangutan. he looks very sagely

do you need advice my child @min he says calmly

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reject humanity

throw shit

return to monke

geyde says calmly

marshal is in the nerd mountains, you must go at once before he kills the queen of the joycats

there will be a wizard who will help you on your journey up the mountains

you will not need any climbing gear

you must go at once

Oh well

Sounds great

I don’t think any joykitties should die :smile_cat:

Mountains are cool

as you exit your house or whatever i dont remember you find a joycat

alms for the poor kind sir/madam/person?

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this is clearly a beggar joycat

what do

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