[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Well what do you think

The only team I never belive in is you/Replay

Earlier into the day, you/telephone is also hard to fake

Im gonna content read

Most things point to you as being town interaction wise?


@Telephone @Venus @Shallow come solve boys

I mean, Iā€™ve been thinking you were Town for a while and you moved to Null for me.

Iā€™ll be able to in about two hours or so.

Apologies guys, probably am going to call it a night, had a long day and Iā€™m pretty tired now. I donā€™t think anything I do tonight would be too useful.

Iā€™m going to work on this first thing tomorrow morning.

Please, please donā€™t snap vote while Iā€™m asleep.

Sorry, Venus.

But we need to do something.

@Shallow Where are you?

You donā€™t need to do something, if what youā€™re talking about is voting.

We have like, 36 hours left. There is literally no reason to end it any earlier than a bit before EOD unless everyone has gotten on and weā€™ve reached some sort of agreement, or something.

I donā€™t understand the rush to vote in Lylo, itā€™s the worst thing to do.

Iā€™m not going to vote. Thatā€™s stupid.

I was at work cutie reading up now

Okay so

From what I read it was like 90% enigma yelling at the brick wall of replay


Iā€™m never going to Execute Shallow/Enigma today I canā€™t fathom a world their both scum

Mostly where Iā€™m at is replay/Venus right now.

Iā€™m 99% confident theirs 1 wolf at most in shallow/enigma

Iā€™d like to see the other 3ā€™s take scumread wise

Well I canā€™t really help with that one

Can you go ahead and ISO your SRs? I could see a world where youā€™re scum with one of the two so Iā€™d like to see your thoughts

Reads can change, but there is a possibility that itā€™s TMI and a pocket attempt. Donā€™t use that now, as my reads have been bad this game.

I shouldnā€™t have done that and tried to correct it after the fact

Isnā€™t it clear?

Are you really this dense?

letā€™s not gamble anything now

You say despite the fact youā€™re the one who outed him.

Iā€™ll do it in the morning

Iā€™m only half awake atm

Iā€™m considering ignoring replay

Heā€™s genuinely pissing me off