[Balance Talk] Fixing Airlock, if possible

Imo all roles should be balanced without requiring a bad team make up or getting countered

Pet. I think it’s overpowered, especially as a scum has to decide to immediately CC it or it is confirmed.

pet is mechanically strong
socially terrible

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Guard is fine
Stowaway is ???, a troll role for the host to give
Hybrid is fine if the Computer gives scum some counterplay or something
VIP is fine
Pet is ???, a troll role for the host to give

But the game is so mechanically strong though.

pet is
surprisingly fun
you’d be amazed how much you can actually enjoy it

Stowaway is like Mutant from BotC but the rule applies to literally anyone and they can claim other non Stowaway passengers

pet claiming stowaway that is all

pet is a reverse mutant
they have to claim pet
but as pet can’t speak in words, speaking is claiming to not be pet


I think Queen is fine. I think a refund on their one-time-use convert is debatable if it fails
Hivemind is just a BotF Spy; I think it’s fine.
Influencer seems surprisingly weak, actually. Especially if it can’t spawn beside the Queen. I would rework that one.
Reanimator seems really powerful if Biologist is getting a cure cap. Maybe remove it’s convert potential or something? Or limit it?

Their warp ability 2 is trash though.
You seriously think there will ever be a no-jettison on the forums?
IMHO it should be re-worked.

It’s not that the ability will ever be used, it’s that it prevents town from no-jettisoning

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Just it’s existance is threatening
The question is whether or not it’s actually optimal to nojettison

aliens need some kind of killpower
warp 1 will basically always confirm which game it is

I think Pet needs nerfing so aliens can deal with it easier than just getting it airlocked

there’s a reason the computer is so afraid of the cat

Hey, can’t we just run a second game?
I want to see how far we can go this time.
If possible, I want to play with this “not-yet-fixed (AKA still-broken)” setup for about another round or two before we are actually going to fix it.


Predator has absurdly high KP. It seems really swingy. Maybe put it to one?
Contaminator is fine; very good Galley Officer fakeclaim if it’s a bluff
Hacker is good enough for Storyteller balancing the game; it’s passive will always need removed if Engineer isn’t getting buffed. Maybe change it to something like immunity to Hybrid?
Informant’s secondary ability is absolute garbage and needs reworked

Like, I could just imagine a town becoming Predator
Oh my lord

If Magnus swapped himself + Moleland he’d have had 2KP every night