Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

I know Mafia Factional tried to kill me n2
Then the Mafia Cleaner visited me n2
But someone else also visited me n2 and im not sure who

I know it wasnt Marl cuz hes an idiot this game but he doesnt know info

Do you have actual information on who is mafia or just guesses?

what can you do?

I have info on all the mafia at this point

I used my ability on you N2, but shouldn’t count as visit.

Yeah it did, thanks astand now I know everything n2

(This ability doesn’t count as a visit and it cannot be prevented or redirected in any way).

My passive nullifies abilities as a whole

It doesnt prevent it or anything

I visited Wazza n2 and nullified his guard from affecting me (if he did it at all)

I only get the amount of abilities nullified

Yeah my ability nullifies that

If there was a King, I nullify their DF if I was on trial

If there was a Prince, i nullify their jail lol

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I’m legitimately “the Ultimate Fool”

Got a scorned on me and everything

But as you may have figured, it also nullifies positive abilities

So i was basically unconvertible but also unable to accept certain things and thats why i tried to tell people not to visit me since it makes my passive useless since it floods my DMs with random feedback I dont need

Your kills happen EoD or at next night?

My instant execution?

Yeah, those 3 kills you mentioned.

The 3 were abilities that targetted me n2

You said that.



how do u know 3 abillites targeted u

I thought it was like jester haunt taken to 11.

Im going to ignore that questio